The good news is there are plenty of web hosting services available out there. This gives you a lot of options to choose from. But at the same time, it can also lead to confusion.
Whenever choosing a web host, you must always go for a recognizable brand. A reputable brand like Gandi hosting will provide you high-quality hosting services to keep your website running smoothly.
In this post, we are going to discuss some of the important things you must look for in a website host. You may find this guide useful if you are launching a website for the first time.
Here are the important things you need to look for in a web host:
1. User-friendly interface
You should be able to handle your hosting service. Unfortunately, not all web hosts provide a simple and easy-to-use interface. Choosing a hosting provider that offers a user-friendly platform allows you to customize your website in a better way. The control panel is an important feature and it helps you to handle all tasks with ease.
2. Security measures
A web host service is nothing without its security features. That’s because no one would ever choose a host that doesn’t offer safety and security for their websites. With the increasing number of cyber-attacks, you must look for a host that will give you full security. They should be able to protect all the personal information of your visitors and also keep malware away.
3. Allowance for multiple sites
If you have plans to buy multiple domains in the future, then you need a hosting service that allows you to add multiple domains and subdomains. For example, if your business domain is .com, you may need to add .org, .net, etc., subdomains without spending on new hosting plans. This way, if someone types your website address wrong, they will still be redirected to your business page.
4. Site backup
There have been many instances where websites have lost content due to cyber-attacks or other mishaps. To secure your data, you need regular backups, which are provided by your hosting service. This is why you should look for a hosting company that offers regular backup services. This will help you keep your data secure even if something bad happens to your site.
5. Excellent uptime
This is yet another important aspect of a web host. The hosting service you choose should be able to provide 99% or higher uptime. This refers to the amount of time your website stays visible to audiences. Anything lower than 99% is not ideal for a business website. Having a poor uptime rate can make you lose a lot of visitors. In this case, you can rely on Gandi web hosting. They are known to offer quality hosting services to customers.
These are the factors that are needed to handle your web hosting smoothly. Make sure your hosting has all of these features. If not, then you should look for some other hosting provider.