Technology has changed the live style of people, rapid growth of smartphones, gadget developement, among all web developemnt is attractive and popular feild in industry. Here is a list of some advantages of being a developer. But one should know what is meant by Web developement and what is the role of wen developer.
Web Developement:
Web developement is all about how webstes are built, their implentation and their display on internet. This refer to the work behind scenes in creating a functional website, which perform defied and particular functions.
Various aspects of security, web designing, web publishing, data management and many more are included in it. Application of DOM or Document Object Mode; HTKL, CSS, and JavaScript are used in making website look better and perform well.
Role Of Web Developers:
Programmers speciliazed in development of applications realted to World Wide Web or distributed network applications are called Web developers.
Protocols like HTTP are run from Web server to client browser, by using these network applications. They use associated programming languages like, C#, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript etc. Programmers who use programming tools, write code in order to tell a website, what to do and how are called Web developers.
Here is a list of benefits being a Web developer:
1. Highly Paid Job:
Though salary is not only the important feature when we chose a carrer path, but it is considered as a very important and basic factor by many people.” or “?” come in mind before starting any job.
Web developing is a highly paid profession. According to Glassdoor report,average salary of a web developer is $93,402 per year, which makes it a very highly paid profession in market.
2. Boss of Yourself:
A freelance developer is a boss himself. Better salary rate for your skills and codes can be acheived. Sticking to one company is not necessary,you can work with variuos employers and be a freelance developer, managing your schedule. All the choice is yours.
3. Working Remotely:
The advantage of being a web developer is either you work as a freelance or company, you dont have to go to particular place. You can do your work anywhere anytime just laptop and internet is a requirement. Regardless of all surroundings, traffic, rain, anything you can do your work comfortably in your home any time.
4. Most Sought-after Jobs:
Web development is highly demanded in industry. According to a U.S News & World Record Best Technology Jobs in 2018 report, it ranked at the 8th position. Clinics, hospitals, restaurants, hotel etc. are having their own websites due to this technology.
Wesites have become a “need” in every fbusiness, company. There a billion of different websites all over the world, on internet.
5. Better Problem Solver:
A web develope should have the skill of solving problems. Thinking logics of codes, makes your mind sharp and improve the thinking way, as you approach different kinds of complex and simple problems.
6. Improves Creativity:
Creativity is a imporatnt skill in web developement, as designing is a part of a web developer’s job. With time, you will learn re-using your previous ideas and molding your own creativity and getting more different ideas.
7. Job for Future:
In today’s world anything can be found on internet. Online shopping, online studies, online lectures, online notes and books, entertainment, games, any type of question regardeless whether is makes sense or not each and everything is available on internet.There a high demand of people with programming skills as technology has become very popular among people. So being a Web developer is not for today, also for tomorrow. In the words of computer scientist and professor, Alan Kay, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it”.
Enroll in Simplilearn’s web development course to get to the next level.