Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. If you like gardening and taking care of flowers, then you may already know about the beauty of African violets—this flower a heart-shaped leaves as one of their attractiveness. However, taking care of flowers can be difficult, especially for certain flowers, including African violets. You need to pay attention to the weather as African violets have better growth in humid and bright areas. Even if you have carefully taken care of the flower with the right bright and soil, you also need fertilizer to make your African violets grow better. We have the best fertilizer for African violets. Here are some examples of the best fertilizer for African violets products and tips to choose the right fertilizer for your flower.
Schultz S-1061 Fertilizer
Available in 4 fluid ounce bottles, Schultz S-1061 Fertilizer is one of the best fertilizers for African violets you can try. This fertilizer can help your plant’s growth, and this fertilizer contains macronutrients that can help your flower bloom and develop its roots. Schultz S-1061 Fertilizer’s primary function is to help the flower grow and nourishing its roots. It is effortless to use. All you need to do is putting at least seven drops of fertilizer and mix it with one quart of water. To get the best results, you need to do it regularly, getting great purple buds. No need to worry if you have other plants in your garden as this fertilizer is also suitable for outdoor and indoor plants. Drop to your plants consistently, and you will get fast results from it.
Espoma 839301 Fertilizer
Some of you may need a special fertilizer that an indoor plant needs. Espoma 839301 Fertilizer can meet these criteria. This fertilizer can make your plants grow twice bigger with a minimum time, and it is available in an 8oz bottle. If you own African violets in your house, then choosing this fertilizer can be very beneficial as you know that African violets are quite sensitive in terms of their growth. So, choosing the right fertilizer is one of the keys. Generally, all plants need sufficient nutrients. This fertilizer consists of phosphorus that can boost your African violets’ roots, and the buds can grow spreadly. No need to worry if you have other indoor plants at home as this fertilizer can also be used for orchids, bromeliads, and many more
Factors that you need to consider before buying
After you understand if there are several products of fertilizer that can complement your African violets. Adding fertilizer is like the cherry on top when you grow a plant like African violets. It would not be enough if you only depend on water and light. Besides, using soil mix still requires you to provide African violets with another nutrients source. Hence, growing a plant, especially like African violets, demand you to have decent fertilization.
Thus, acquiring the best fertilizer for African violets should be on your list. Hence, you need to understand several factors before buying fertilizer.
- Quick Release VS. Slow Release
There are two types of fertilizer that you can utilize for African Violets. The first is quick release fertilization. This fertilizer is in the form of liquid and powder forms. In using it, you need to mix it with water at first and spray it on your African Violets. You need to make sure that you spray it on the buds and leaves of your African Violets.
As for the slow release fertilizer, this one is in the shape of granular or spike. You need to dig the soil around your African Violets. You put it on its root until its tip, bury it, and water it. Choosing which fertilizer that you prefer the most, if you want a simpler one, then you can have a quick-release fertilizer or if you love the idea of putting it directly on its root, slow-release is your fertilizer. We recommend you to do this regularly to ensure the nutrients supply for your African Violets.
You may have several questions that come up to your mind about this African Violets fertilizer. For instance, you should understand the frequency of giving fertilizer to this plant. We suggest that you give the fertilizer once a week. Besides, several clues can determine that your plant is lacking fertilizer. For example, you should take note of the leaves’ color, if it is kind of brown and yellow. It means that your plant needs more nutrients. The growth of the stem is another sign that you need to know. A well-fertilized plant has a firm stem. Obviously, there are more tips about this matter that you need to understand, you can see it on, and you can also find more fertilizer reviews.