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What’s the Point of Search Engine Optimization?

It’s 2021, and business marketing has never been so challenging. What this means for local business owners and eCommerce powerhouses alike is that they need to be more fierce than ever with their strategies. Not only do they need to look at short-term options like pay per click, but at long-term growth solutions like SEO as well. Search engine optimization is nothing new, but it has evolved since it has come about, and it’s important to stay informed so that you know the best way to generate sales for your business.

What Is SEO Marketing?

Search engine optimization is the art of building your online presence by ranking for relevant keywords that will generate valuable traffic. While there are many elements within SEO, most of them are directed towards achieving higher search results rankings. In addition to this, many SEO strategies focus on local business listings and map results, where customers can be directly found for storefront businesses. SEO marketing uses search engine optimization to generate sales for businesses of all types, steadily increasing their organic traffic as the campaign progresses.

In many cases, SEO can be combined with PPC strategies, but it’s recommended that you always do SEO whether you implement PPC or not so that you have something to show at the end of your digital marketing venture. 

Businesses That Can Benefit From SEO

If you are a business owner but are not sure that SEO will pay off, consider the following:

For the majority of businesses, the answers to these questions will all point towards starting an SEO campaign. Whether you are a legal professional, dentist, construction worker, or restaurant owner, SEO can give your business the boost it needs to excel. Search engine optimization is exceptionally beneficial for businesses that can potentially generate masses of traffic or would benefit greatly from each lead generated, but almost any business owner comes out ahead at the end of an SEO strategy.

When To Start SEO

While SEO can be highly beneficial to your business, it is an investment, so be sure to come prepared with a decent monthly budget. While many SEO agencies offer adjustable pricing, results will typically be based on how committed you are to the strategy, so consider going with the more expensive option to rev up your growth. 

It’s never really a bad time to start an SEO campaign, but the best time to start is before the holiday season. As the amount of shoppers increases, so does the number of missed opportunities, so start before online shopping and research spike to benefit from shopping trends.


If you are still second-guessing the point of SEO, talk to a digital marketing professional and see what a strategy could do for your business. In 2021, digital marketing is key for a successful, lasting marketing strategy.

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