Australia is a rich country, and its citizens enjoy a high standard of living. However, Australia is also a country of consumers. A report made by McCrindle, a research company, states that 71% of Australians agree that they own more than they need.
However, because of the pandemic, 42% of Australians are likely to sell their items, including secondhand appliances. Also, 56% believe that the secondhand economy will grow.
There is nothing wrong with buying things secondhand, especially with appliances, because most appliances have long lifespans. However, it is not wise to buy all your appliances secondhand. Some appliances are better to be bought new. However, there are also appliances you can buy secondhand. Here are some appliances that you can consider buying secondhand:
Cooking ranges
Cooking ranges are among the most durable appliances that you can own. An electric range can last for 16 years, while a gas range can last for 13 years. If you are looking to buy a cooking range, consider getting a secondhand one.
However, before making a purchase, you must ensure that the cooking range is not over ten years old. It will be good if it is only a few years older, so you can still use it for a long time, and you can get the bang for your buck.
Refrigerators are long-lasting appliances. A top-freezer refrigerator can last for 14 years. A side-by-side refrigerator can last 12 years. A bottom-freezer refrigerator, on the other hand, can last for 11 years.
Even if you buy a secondhand refrigerator, it can still last you a long time. It can even last longer if you take good care of it by regularly cleaning it and not leaving it open for a long time. Just like cooking ranges, you have to make sure that the secondhand refrigerator you purchase has only been used for a few years.
You don’t have to buy washers very often because these appliances last for more than a decade. A top-load washer can last for 12 years, while the front load washer can last for 11 years. If given the proper care, these can last even longer.
So, if ever you need to have yours replaced, you can purchase a secondhand one. As long as the secondhand washer you buy was not abused by its previous owner, it can serve you for years to come.
Just like the washers, a dryer is also a durable piece of appliance. It can last you for 12 years and even longer, depending on your use. It is an appliance that you can buy secondhand, especially since there are upgrades in the model almost yearly.
If ever you need to buy a secondhand dryer, find one that is still relatively new. It will also help if you buy one used by a single person and not by a family.
Before you buy secondhand appliances, you have to look for a reputable seller. Also, don’t forget to ask questions like what are their reasons for selling their appliances. You also have to check it for damage and other wear and tear. Finally, don’t just buy an item just because they are cheap. You have to make sure that you are not wasting money on your purchase.