Teenagers these days, are far different from the ones to exist in the previous generations specially the age group of 16 to 19. They tend to be the wildest versions of teens to exist. They want to experience everything that happens around by legal or illegal means, on time or before the right time. Same is the case when it comes to driving.
Owning a car & driving is a pretty common wish among under-aged people these days & the ones who have access to cars are pretty much rough at driving & has made car crashes the second leading cause of teen deaths in the United States. This is a very alarming situation & needs to be dealt with as soon as possible to minimize the number that is increasing with every passing day.
As a minor, I too had this wish of owning a car just like any other adult. My parents had a car that I had easy access to, so in the year 2017, this passion was on rise in me. I could do anything to be legal to drive. I googled top best fake id websites 2017 and thousands of results appeared. I did my research & landed on a trustable website to order my fake driving license.
In a couple of weeks, I had that forged driving license with me & it was no less than the biggest dream coming true for me. I was a pretty rough driver and bumped my car into something like poles, cars etc. every other day. One day I had a severe accident leading me to breaking my bones and getting severely injured. Upon recovering I realized how bad it is to drive with such an irresponsible attitude.
What puts teenagers at risk?
Being new to driving and roads, teenagers underestimate dangerous situations and make foul decisions that lead to its consequences and some serious crashes.
Not wearing seatbelts:
Compared to any other age group, teens have been spotted the most for not wearing seatbelt that leads to falling off the car & making the situation worse even in minor crashes. It has been noted that most drivers between 16-19 who died in a car crash were not wearing seatbelt.
Over Speeding:
Out of all the age group drivers, teenagers have been found to be involved in over speeding and driving up to a speed uncontrollable for them.
Drinking and Driving:
Drinking in any amount before driving leads to putting the driver in some very problematic situation. It is a crime and it can get you fined or jailed. It is also found to be a very common habit for teens to drive under the influence of alcohol or any drug.
Parents must keep a check on their children and their activities. In the first place they shouldn’t allow their child to drink & neither should they give their car. Also, They should make their child aware of every consequence they may have to come across while driving illegally.